- Latest Information
Latest Informaiton -Topics
- December 23, 2015
- Searching page by dosage forms is added to English homepage.
- December 11, 2015
- 【For members】Minutes of general assembly and the 20th board meeting are available.
- August 27, 2015
- 【For members】Minutes of general assembly, the 19th board meeting and special board meeting are available.
- August 24, 2015
- A new regular and a new supporting members are added to the membership list.
- June 9, 2015
- 【For members】Minutes of the 18th board meeting and special board meeting are available.
- April 1, 2015
- Two new supporting members are added to the membership list.
- February 24, 2015
- 【For members】Materials of GDP seminar (held on Dec.15, 2014) is available.
- February 5, 2015
- 【For members】Minutes of the 17th board meeting is available.
- October 31, 2014
- 【For members】Minutes of the 16th board meeting and special board meeting are available.
- September 5, 2014
- 【For members】Minutes of the 5th general assembly and the 14th&15th board meetings are available.
- July 5, 2014
- 【For members】Works of Technology and Training Committee is available.
- July 3, 2014
- Structure of board member is updated.
- June 17, 2014
- 【For members】Guide for Insurance of JCMOA is available.
- May 26, 2014
- "List of members", "About contract outsourcing" are updated.
- May 26, 2014
- 【For members】Minutes of the 13th board meeting is available.